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(Genes controlled by T-box elements)
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The T-box element is ann [[RNA switch]] that controls genes involved in amino acid metabolism.
The T-box element is an [[RNA switch]] that controls genes involved in amino acid metabolism.
In the absence of an amino acid, the uncharged tRNA binds the T-box region in the leader region of the mRNA  of the controlled gene/ operon and thereby prevents the formation of a transcription terminator. The result is gene expression of the target gene in the absence of the specific amino acid.
In the absence of an amino acid, the uncharged tRNA binds the T-box region in the leader region of the mRNA  of the controlled gene/ operon and thereby prevents the formation of a transcription terminator. The result is gene expression of the target gene in the absence of the specific amino acid.
==Genes controlled by T-box elements==
==Complete list of genes controlled by T-box elements==
* Induction by alanine limitation
** ''[[alaS]]''
* Induction by aspartate limitation
** ''[[hisS]]-[[aspS]]''
* Induction by cysteine limitation
* Induction by cysteine limitation
** ''[[cysE]]-[[cysS]]-[[mrnC]]-[[yacO]]-[[yacP]]''  
** ''[[cysE]]-[[cysS]]-[[mrnC]]-[[yacO]]-[[yacP]]''  
* Induction by glycine limitation
** ''[[glyA]], [[glyQ]]-[[glyS]]''
* Induction by histidine limitation
** ''[[hisS]]-[[aspS]]''
* Induction by isoleucine limitation
** ''[[ileS]]'', ''[[ilvB]]-[[ilvH]]-[[ilvC]]-[[leuA]]-[[leuA]]-[[leuC]]-[[leuD]]''
* Induction by leucine limitation
** ''[[leuS]]'', ''[[ilvB]]-[[ilvH]]-[[ilvC]]-[[leuA]]-[[leuA]]-[[leuC]]-[[leuD]]'', ''[[yvbW]]''
* Induction by phenyalanine limitation
** ''[[pheS]]-[[pheT]]''
* Induction by proline limitation
** ''[[proB]]-[[proA]]'', ''[[proI]]''
* Induction by serine limitation
** ''[[serS]]''
* Induction by threonine limitation
** ''[[thrS]], [[thrZ]]-[[ywhA]]''
* Induction by tryptophan limitation
* Induction by tryptophan limitation
** ''[[rtpA]]-[[ycbK]]''
** ''[[rtpA]]-[[ycbK]]'', ''[[trpS]]''
* Induction by alanine limitation
* Induction by tyrosine limitation
** ''[[alaS]]''
** ''[[tyrS]], [[tyrZ]]''
* Induction by valine limitation
** ''[[valS]]'', ''[[ilvB]]-[[ilvH]]-[[ilvC]]-[[leuA]]-[[leuA]]-[[leuC]]-[[leuD]]''
==Structure of a T-box ribowsitch==
<pubmed>28621923 12547201 31740854  </pubmed>
==Reviews on T-box regulation==
==Reviews on T-box regulation==
<pubmed> 19258532</pubmed>
<pubmed> 19258532,7527891, 11917026 ,8348614,17381302 10546897 19932103 18625071 24954903  24816551  32882008</pubmed>
=See also:=
* [[RNA switch]]
=Back to [[regulons]]=

Latest revision as of 09:40, 5 January 2021

The T-box element is an RNA switch that controls genes involved in amino acid metabolism.

In the absence of an amino acid, the uncharged tRNA binds the T-box region in the leader region of the mRNA of the controlled gene/ operon and thereby prevents the formation of a transcription terminator. The result is gene expression of the target gene in the absence of the specific amino acid.

Complete list of genes controlled by T-box elements

  • Induction by alanine limitation
  • Induction by aspartate limitation
  • Induction by histidine limitation
  • Induction by phenyalanine limitation
  • Induction by serine limitation
  • Induction by tyrosine limitation

Structure of a T-box ribowsitch

Shuang Li, Zhaoming Su, Jean Lehmann, Vassiliki Stamatopoulou, Nikoleta Giarimoglou, Frances E Henderson, Lixin Fan, Grigore D Pintilie, Kaiming Zhang, Muyuan Chen, Steven J Ludtke, Yun-Xing Wang, Constantinos Stathopoulos, Wah Chiu, Jinwei Zhang
Structural basis of amino acid surveillance by higher-order tRNA-mRNA interactions.
Nat Struct Mol Biol: 2019, 26(12);1094-1105
[PubMed:31740854] [WorldCat.org] [DOI] (I p)

Xianyang Fang, Malgorzata Michnicka, Yikan Zhang, Yun-Xing Wang, Edward P Nikonowicz
Capture and Release of tRNA by the T-Loop Receptor in the Function of the T-Box Riboswitch.
Biochemistry: 2017, 56(28);3549-3558
[PubMed:28621923] [WorldCat.org] [DOI] (I p)

Melinda S Gerdeman, Tina M Henkin, Jennifer V Hines
Solution structure of the Bacillus subtilis T-box antiterminator RNA: seven nucleotide bulge characterized by stacking and flexibility.
J Mol Biol: 2003, 326(1);189-201
[PubMed:12547201] [WorldCat.org] [DOI] (P p)

Reviews on T-box regulation

Jorge A Marchand, Merrick D Pierson Smela, Thomas H H Jordan, Kamesh Narasimhan, George M Church
TBDB: a database of structurally annotated T-box riboswitch:tRNA pairs.
Nucleic Acids Res: 2021, 49(D1);D229-D235
[PubMed:32882008] [WorldCat.org] [DOI] (I p)

Jinwei Zhang, Adrian R Ferré-D'Amaré
Direct evaluation of tRNA aminoacylation status by the T-box riboswitch using tRNA-mRNA stacking and steric readout.
Mol Cell: 2014, 55(1);148-55
[PubMed:24954903] [WorldCat.org] [DOI] (I p)

Tina M Henkin
The T box riboswitch: A novel regulatory RNA that utilizes tRNA as its ligand.
Biochim Biophys Acta: 2014, 1839(10);959-963
[PubMed:24816551] [WorldCat.org] [DOI] (P p)

Nicholas J Green, Frank J Grundy, Tina M Henkin
The T box mechanism: tRNA as a regulatory molecule.
FEBS Lett: 2010, 584(2);318-24
[PubMed:19932103] [WorldCat.org] [DOI] (I p)

Ana Gutiérrez-Preciado, Tina M Henkin, Frank J Grundy, Charles Yanofsky, Enrique Merino
Biochemical features and functional implications of the RNA-based T-box regulatory mechanism.
Microbiol Mol Biol Rev: 2009, 73(1);36-61
[PubMed:19258532] [WorldCat.org] [DOI] (I p)

Michiel Wels, Tom Groot Kormelink, Michiel Kleerebezem, Roland J Siezen, Christof Francke
An in silico analysis of T-box regulated genes and T-box evolution in prokaryotes, with emphasis on prediction of substrate specificity of transporters.
BMC Genomics: 2008, 9;330
[PubMed:18625071] [WorldCat.org] [DOI] (I e)

T M Henkin, F J Grundy
Sensing metabolic signals with nascent RNA transcripts: the T box and S box riboswitches as paradigms.
Cold Spring Harb Symp Quant Biol: 2006, 71;231-7
[PubMed:17381302] [WorldCat.org] [DOI] (P p)

Frank J Grundy, Tessa R Moir, Margaret T Haldeman, Tina M Henkin
Sequence requirements for terminators and antiterminators in the T box transcription antitermination system: disparity between conservation and functional requirements.
Nucleic Acids Res: 2002, 30(7);1646-55
[PubMed:11917026] [WorldCat.org] [DOI] (I p)

M Pelchat, J Lapointe
Aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase genes of Bacillus subtilis: organization and regulation.
Biochem Cell Biol: 1999, 77(4);343-7
[PubMed:10546897] [WorldCat.org] (P p)

T M Henkin
tRNA-directed transcription antitermination.
Mol Microbiol: 1994, 13(3);381-7
[PubMed:7527891] [WorldCat.org] [DOI] (P p)

F J Grundy, T M Henkin
tRNA as a positive regulator of transcription antitermination in B. subtilis.
Cell: 1993, 74(3);475-82
[PubMed:8348614] [WorldCat.org] [DOI] (P p)

See also:

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