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Ying Zhang, Ines Thiele, Dana Weekes, Zhanwen Li, Lukasz Jaroszewski, Krzysztof Ginalski, Ashley M Deacon, John Wooley, Scott A Lesley, Ian A Wilson, Bernhard Palsson, Andrei Osterman, Adam Godzik
Three-dimensional structural view of the central metabolic network of Thermotoga maritima.
Science: 2009, 325(5947);1544-9
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Fabian M Commichau, Fabian M Rothe, Christina Herzberg, Eva Wagner, Daniel Hellwig, Martin Lehnik-Habrink, Elke Hammer, Uwe Völker, Jörg Stülke
Novel activities of glycolytic enzymes in Bacillus subtilis: interactions with essential proteins involved in mRNA processing.
Mol Cell Proteomics: 2009, 8(6);1350-60
[PubMed:19193632] [] [DOI] (I p)

Sven Halbedel, Claudine Hames, Jörg Stülke
Regulation of carbon metabolism in the mollicutes and its relation to virulence.
J Mol Microbiol Biotechnol: 2007, 12(1-2);147-54
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J E Barrick, R E Lenski
Genome-wide mutational diversity in an evolving population of Escherichia coli.
Cold Spring Harb Symp Quant Biol: 2009, 74;119-29
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James A Lake
Evidence for an early prokaryotic endosymbiosis.
Nature: 2009, 460(7258);967-71
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Dan I Andersson, Diarmaid Hughes
Gene amplification and adaptive evolution in bacteria.
Annu Rev Genet: 2009, 43;167-95
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Carl Zimmer
Origins. On the origin of eukaryotes.
Science: 2009, 325(5941);666-8
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Fumito Maruyama, Mitsuhiko Kobata, Ken Kurokawa, Keishin Nishida, Atsuo Sakurai, Kazuhiko Nakano, Ryota Nomura, Shigetada Kawabata, Takashi Ooshima, Kenta Nakai, Masahira Hattori, Shigeyuki Hamada, Ichiro Nakagawa
Comparative genomic analyses of Streptococcus mutans provide insights into chromosomal shuffling and species-specific content.
BMC Genomics: 2009, 10;358
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Valérie Barbe, Stéphane Cruveiller, Frank Kunst, Patricia Lenoble, Guillaume Meurice, Agnieszka Sekowska, David Vallenet, Tingzhang Wang, Ivan Moszer, Claudine Médigue, Antoine Danchin
From a consortium sequence to a unified sequence: the Bacillus subtilis 168 reference genome a decade later.
Microbiology (Reading): 2009, 155(Pt 6);1758-1775
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Antoine Danchin, Gang Fang, Stanislas Noria
The extant core bacterial proteome is an archive of the origin of life.
Proteomics: 2007, 7(6);875-89
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