Prophages and mobile genetic elements
The major categories
1. Cellular processes
2. Metabolism
3. Information processing
4. Lifestyles
5. Prophages and mobile genetic elements
6. Groups of genes
5. Prophages and mobile genetic elements
- 5.1. Prophages
- 5.1.1. PBSX prophage
- 5.1.2. SPß prophage
- 5.1.3. Skin element
- 5.1.4. Phage-related functions
- 5.2. Mobile genetic elements
Important note
- A strain devoid of PBSX prophage , SP-beta prophage and the Skin element (TF8A) as well as a strain devoid of all six prophages of the 168 genome (D6) is available in Jan Maarten van Dijl's lab PubMed