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(Important reviews)
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<pubmed>21566650 22981860 </pubmed>
<pubmed>21566650 22981860 </pubmed>
==Important reviews==
==Important reviews==
<pubmed>21255104 16045609 17208514 19756011 19287449 18714086</pubmed>
<pubmed>21255104 16045609 17208514 19756011 19287449 18714086 23023210 </pubmed>
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Revision as of 09:55, 2 October 2012

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Genes in this functional category

ppGpp synthesis and degradation

c-di-AMP synthesis

c-di-AMP degradation

c-di-GMP degradation (presence of an EAL domain)

c-di-GMP synthesis/ based on similarity (presence of a GGDEF domain)

Targets of signalling nucleotides

  • c-di-GMP targets
    • YpfA (contains a PilZ domain)

Important original publications

Allison Kriel, Alycia N Bittner, Sok Ho Kim, Kuanqing Liu, Ashley K Tehranchi, Winnie Y Zou, Samantha Rendon, Rui Chen, Benjamin P Tu, Jue D Wang
Direct regulation of GTP homeostasis by (p)ppGpp: a critical component of viability and stress resistance.
Mol Cell: 2012, 48(2);231-41
[PubMed:22981860] [WorldCat.org] [DOI] (I p)

Yaara Oppenheimer-Shaanan, Ezequiel Wexselblatt, Jehoshua Katzhendler, Eylon Yavin, Sigal Ben-Yehuda
c-di-AMP reports DNA integrity during sporulation in Bacillus subtilis.
EMBO Rep: 2011, 12(6);594-601
[PubMed:21566650] [WorldCat.org] [DOI] (I p)

Important reviews

Dimpy Kalia, Gökçe Merey, Shizuka Nakayama, Yue Zheng, Jie Zhou, Yiling Luo, Min Guo, Benjamin T Roembke, Herman O Sintim
Nucleotide, c-di-GMP, c-di-AMP, cGMP, cAMP, (p)ppGpp signaling in bacteria and implications in pathogenesis.
Chem Soc Rev: 2013, 42(1);305-41
[PubMed:23023210] [WorldCat.org] [DOI] (I p)

Mark Gomelsky
cAMP, c-di-GMP, c-di-AMP and now cGMP: bacteria use them all!
Mol Microbiol: 2011, 79(3);562-5
[PubMed:21255104] [WorldCat.org] [DOI] (I p)

Tilman Schirmer, Urs Jenal
Structural and mechanistic determinants of c-di-GMP signalling.
Nat Rev Microbiol: 2009, 7(10);724-35
[PubMed:19756011] [WorldCat.org] [DOI] (I p)

Regine Hengge
Principles of c-di-GMP signalling in bacteria.
Nat Rev Microbiol: 2009, 7(4);263-73
[PubMed:19287449] [WorldCat.org] [DOI] (I p)

Ute Römling
Great times for small molecules: c-di-AMP, a second messenger candidate in Bacteria and Archaea.
Sci Signal: 2008, 1(33);pe39
[PubMed:18714086] [WorldCat.org] [DOI] (I e)

Peggy A Cotter, Scott Stibitz
c-di-GMP-mediated regulation of virulence and biofilm formation.
Curr Opin Microbiol: 2007, 10(1);17-23
[PubMed:17208514] [WorldCat.org] [DOI] (P p)

Ute Römling, Mark Gomelsky, Michael Y Galperin
C-di-GMP: the dawning of a novel bacterial signalling system.
Mol Microbiol: 2005, 57(3);629-39
[PubMed:16045609] [WorldCat.org] [DOI] (P p)

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