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== Carbon catabolite  repression ==
== Carbon catabolite  repression ==
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<pubmed>22092971 22001508 8245831 7592486 7592487 9237995 9570401 11491085 11557150 18757537 12055300 12123463     29242163

Revision as of 10:43, 4 April 2018


Boris Görke, Jörg Stülke
Carbon catabolite repression in bacteria: many ways to make the most out of nutrients.
Nat Rev Microbiol: 2008, 6(8);613-24
[PubMed:18628769] [WorldCat.org] [DOI] (I p)

Fabian M Commichau, Jörg Stülke
Trigger enzymes: bifunctional proteins active in metabolism and in controlling gene expression.
Mol Microbiol: 2008, 67(4);692-702
[PubMed:18086213] [WorldCat.org] [DOI] (P p)

Fabian M Commichau, Karl Forchhammer, Jörg Stülke
Regulatory links between carbon and nitrogen metabolism.
Curr Opin Microbiol: 2006, 9(2);167-72
[PubMed:16458044] [WorldCat.org] [DOI] (P p)

J Stülke, W Hillen
Regulation of carbon catabolism in Bacillus species.
Annu Rev Microbiol: 2000, 54;849-80
[PubMed:11018147] [WorldCat.org] [DOI] (P p)

J Stülke, W Hillen
Carbon catabolite repression in bacteria.
Curr Opin Microbiol: 1999, 2(2);195-201
[PubMed:10322165] [WorldCat.org] [DOI] (P p)

J Stülke, W Hillen
Coupling physiology and gene regulation in bacteria: the phosphotransferase sugar uptake system delivers the signals.
Naturwissenschaften: 1998, 85(12);583-92
[PubMed:9871918] [WorldCat.org] [DOI] (P p)

J Stülke, M Arnaud, G Rapoport, I Martin-Verstraete
PRD--a protein domain involved in PTS-dependent induction and carbon catabolite repression of catabolic operons in bacteria.
Mol Microbiol: 1998, 28(5);865-74
[PubMed:9663674] [WorldCat.org] [DOI] (P p)

Global analyses

Michael Kohlstedt, Praveen K Sappa, Hanna Meyer, Sandra Maaß, Adrienne Zaprasis, Tamara Hoffmann, Judith Becker, Leif Steil, Michael Hecker, Jan Maarten van Dijl, Michael Lalk, Ulrike Mäder, Jörg Stülke, Erhard Bremer, Uwe Völker, Christoph Wittmann
Adaptation of Bacillus subtilis carbon core metabolism to simultaneous nutrient limitation and osmotic challenge: a multi-omics perspective.
Environ Microbiol: 2014, 16(6);1898-917
[PubMed:24571712] [WorldCat.org] [DOI] (I p)

Pierre Nicolas, Ulrike Mäder, Etienne Dervyn, Tatiana Rochat, Aurélie Leduc, Nathalie Pigeonneau, Elena Bidnenko, Elodie Marchadier, Mark Hoebeke, Stéphane Aymerich, Dörte Becher, Paola Bisicchia, Eric Botella, Olivier Delumeau, Geoff Doherty, Emma L Denham, Mark J Fogg, Vincent Fromion, Anne Goelzer, Annette Hansen, Elisabeth Härtig, Colin R Harwood, Georg Homuth, Hanne Jarmer, Matthieu Jules, Edda Klipp, Ludovic Le Chat, François Lecointe, Peter Lewis, Wolfram Liebermeister, Anika March, Ruben A T Mars, Priyanka Nannapaneni, David Noone, Susanne Pohl, Bernd Rinn, Frank Rügheimer, Praveen K Sappa, Franck Samson, Marc Schaffer, Benno Schwikowski, Leif Steil, Jörg Stülke, Thomas Wiegert, Kevin M Devine, Anthony J Wilkinson, Jan Maarten van Dijl, Michael Hecker, Uwe Völker, Philippe Bessières, Philippe Noirot
Condition-dependent transcriptome reveals high-level regulatory architecture in Bacillus subtilis.
Science: 2012, 335(6072);1103-6
[PubMed:22383849] [WorldCat.org] [DOI] (I p)

Oliver Schilling, Oliver Frick, Christina Herzberg, Armin Ehrenreich, Elmar Heinzle, Christoph Wittmann, Jörg Stülke
Transcriptional and metabolic responses of Bacillus subtilis to the availability of organic acids: transcription regulation is important but not sufficient to account for metabolic adaptation.
Appl Environ Microbiol: 2007, 73(2);499-507
[PubMed:17122393] [WorldCat.org] [DOI] (P p)

Hans-Matti Blencke, Georg Homuth, Holger Ludwig, Ulrike Mäder, Michael Hecker, Jörg Stülke
Transcriptional profiling of gene expression in response to glucose in Bacillus subtilis: regulation of the central metabolic pathways.
Metab Eng: 2003, 5(2);133-49
[PubMed:12850135] [WorldCat.org] [DOI] (P p)

Carbon catabolite repression

Glycolysis and the citric acid cycle

Nitrogen and amino acid metabolism

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