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trmFO→codY operon
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trmFO→codY operon


sigma factors

  • [protein|360F48D576DE950DF79C1A2677B7A35A8D8CC30C|SigA]: sigma factor, [Pubmed|7783641], in [regulon|360F48D576DE950DF79C1A2677B7A35A8D8CC30C|SigA regulon]
  • regulatory mechanism

  • [protein|90ACE0DECA58D3C1A55E135120F7A0C1C920571C|CodY]: repression, [Pubmed|11331605], in [regulon|90ACE0DECA58D3C1A55E135120F7A0C1C920571C|CodY regulon]
  • regulation

  • repressed during growth in the presence of branched chain amino acids ([protein|90ACE0DECA58D3C1A55E135120F7A0C1C920571C|CodY]) [Pubmed|11331605]
  • additional information

  • the intracellular concentration of CodY is about 2.5 myM (according to [PubMed|20408793])