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rpsD operon
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rpsD operon


sigma factors

  • [protein|360F48D576DE950DF79C1A2677B7A35A8D8CC30C|SigA]: sigma factor, [Pubmed|1699930], in [regulon|360F48D576DE950DF79C1A2677B7A35A8D8CC30C|SigA regulon]
  • regulatory mechanism

  • [regulon|stringent response|stringent response]: negative regulation, in [regulon|stringent response|stringent response]
  • [protein|789D08564463542B8D96FC12F408549A669703CE|RpsD]: autorepression, [pubmed|27120414,23611891,1906866], in [regulon|789D08564463542B8D96FC12F408549A669703CE|RpsD regulon]
  • regulation

  • autorepression of ''rpsD'' expression upon binding of excess [protein|789D08564463542B8D96FC12F408549A669703CE|RpsD] to a [SW|RNA switch] in the untranslated region of the ''rpsD'' mRNA [Pubmed|27120414,23611891,1906866]
  • additional information

  • term-seq has identified a potential novel regulatory RNA element including an intrinsic transcription terminator upstream of ''rpsD'' [Pubmed|27120414]
  • the [SW|RNA switch] RNA is degraded by [protein|872CCB5A49C9000BD95E4B0472556D5F60F7D7A4|RNase Y] [pubmed|29794222]